We offer a program specifically for runners, whatever your level, age, ability, or goals. You are welcome to join our team whether you’re at the very beginning of your journey and just thinking about starting to run, or whether you’re experienced and chasing a new PR.
One of the greatest challenges for runners is staying injury free. For some running is a quick route to injury. Poor running form, too fast too soon of a progression, insufficient preparation, old injuries, and random running plans plucked from the internet can all be a quick route to injury. Choose a coach that understands injury and can guide you to your goals based on your unique needs.
All of our coaching is done virtually.
We do things differently. Our athletes (Yes you! Whatever your level, when you join us you’re one of our athletes!) get individualized running plans set for them. Below is an example week for one of our athletes who is working towards a half marathon.
We strive to get you to you race (if a race is your goal) fitter, stronger and injury free. Adam is a Physical Therapist and a strength and conditioning specialist. He has the knowledge and experience to analyze your running form, teach you to run efficiently and safely, improve your strength and reduce injury risk through easy to follow strength workouts. We also use the STRYD power meter to help guide intensity of your runs to further individualize your plan. Running with power is the newest technology and can be a game changer for your training and racing. Training with power is optional. We can easily plan your runs through time, pace, cadence and the use of a heart rate monitor.
Don’t be afraid to reach out to us to chat. We will never tell you that your goals are too little, too big or ambitious. They may take time, but we’re ready to take you from wherever you are now to your goal. Our monthly running coaching plans includes wellness or lifestyle coaching and strength work sessions.